Our journey

We didn’t know what we wanted; we just knew that working in a corporate life was not the answer for us or our young daughter. There was too much time spent in traffic, at the office and functions that had no soul – we desired time, freedom and connection.

So, we left our careers, packed our backpacks and with our 6 month old daughter headed off looking for a way to live different. Bali, Yoga and a whole lot of manifesting and dreaming it became clear that we wanted our own business, in a part of the world where it was sunny, coconut trees filled the sky, clean beaches and a community of like minded people.

We just didn’t know how to turn our dream into reality – what places were available, what is a good price, who is trustworthy and how can we make the best use of the money we have without risking everything. It all just seemed too risky and challenging. There must be an easier way.

We got lucky though, and met our future business partner through a random social media post, which led to a quick trip to Palolem, India and a decision to invest in a small beach hut business on the beach. At first we thought we could design and build it remotely, but it soon became apparent that we just had to be onsite and to fully immerse ourselves, not only for the success of the business, but also to create a new lifestyle, a new way of living that gave us passion and purpose. This inspired coconuts and dreams, a lifestyle business creator.